Sunday 2 March 2014

Learning journal: Fashion Media Laboratory. TERM2

February 24

I made an appointment with my friend Syd, he was waiting for us at the studio at 2 PM. Olya, Poon and me got there, and everyone was surprised it's the actual recording of each instrument and not just a fake midi keyboard pre-recorded sound that we were planning to do. I was glad to see the excitement of Poon and Olya.
Moreover, I told Syd about the project ages ago, and he got really interested in that idea. Therefore, it seemed so amazing we all were excited to be a part of that project.
He recorded a test for one frame/image, and he booked Thursday, 27th the finish with all the music pieces.

February 26

We had a class with Thomas, which was more of a tutorial session. The progress was on and he was very helpful in terms of clarifying the technical aspects. I felt calm, because it is Olya's responsibility and she is very stubborn to learn and achieve a good level of a product.

February 28

As Olya scheduled to work more on a web-site, and the content, it was worrying that I received her message saying that Coco(photographer) didn't send the final images, as we scheduled with her, moreover, she was in Paris.

So I tried to cheer the team up, saying we still have time.
Syd sent all the sound, and he waited for Poon's video edit to make a music for that.

I promised to email Coco, as well, I will do it right now, and see what she says on Monday

March 2
I have completed the "About" text on the web-site.
And I am looking forward to hear from the photographer. Hope we receive the pictures by Wednesday..

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