Thursday 13 March 2014

Learning journal. Fashion Media Laboratory

From March 03 to March 14,
it's been a time when me and Olya have been constantly in touch regarding the photographs, edited ones and the music, as well.
We have experienced a couple of difficulties. The photographer delayed the results and as much as we tried to push it, it wasn't possible, due to her business. So we had to wait.
meanwhile, Olya's been working on developing the web-site.
I have not been in touch with Poon, however, we did discuss a few things briefly regarding his film.
Syd (the music) has been in touch with me regarding all the sound aspects, and I continued working with him..

Olya has planned to finish the web-site today. And I hope Syd'll be able to produce the last tune in time.
Apparently we're doing well , all in all.

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