Sunday 23 February 2014

Learning journal: Fashion Media Laboratory. TERM2

My learning activities during the Term 2 kept me really busy working on two written pieces for Fashion Media Laboratory, attending additional technical workshops and most importantly, producing our "Synesthesia" project, a digital web-site..

January 8
I already knew i'd be in team with Olya and Poon and was really excited about it.
We had to wait till Olya arrives so we can collect our thoughts and come up with some innovative idea for a web-site or an application. To me, it was a bit too many things going on straight after a break. However, looking back it seems very nice we had this wave of university responsibilities going on.
Though, to me, it is a huge challenge to work with digital content, as I am not so capable of developing internet projects, as in, write codes, etc.

January 15
Olya already arrived and we had a few ideas and also some time to narrow them down to just one.
Thomas helped us by explaining the roles that exist within these kind of projects so we could start thinking of what each of us can bring to the table.

January 22
As we went with Olya's initial idea about "Synesthesia" it was not so clear to some of us of what we'd be doing. Olya was an art-director and she said she'd be doing styling, asked me to. I couldn't force myself towards trying and captivating that part of the production, although it's basically the only thing i can do, except for art directing, and i couldn't because it was her idea.
Poon also felt lost with his responsibilities, and we then gave up trying to find a role we aren't interested in. Because it seems a waste of time if I take part in it and I don't care about it. The idea was so good that it'd've been a shame to lose it by doing something you don't wanna be credited for.
I told Olya that that'll do nothing to my portfolio if I'd be a producer, I'd not mention it neither on my web-site nor anywhere else, if it's nothing to do with my personal growth. Of course, I'd do it, it's a brief, but that'd be a shame. So in the end, I ended up being a producer and a fashion director, and ultimately a stylist.

January 25
I got in touch with all the brands we wanted to work with, found emails, telephone numbers. But my past good experiences with Fred Perry helped me to get the brand interested in our brief. I am really proud of it.
And we also continued meeting with Olya and Poon every week. It's great Olya has been so supportive, despite the fact we had to bring our ideas into her original idea and sometimes change her mind.
I was not really scared about not getting the clothes, the studio, models for our shoot. That's what producer does, and that's what I do when i push my own ideas.. but the closer it was getting to the deadline, the more nerve-wrecking it was becoming..

February 5
I could not attend, because I had a photo shoot on my own (had 3 throughout that month) and had to skip unfortunately. But meanwhile, i saw a busy time 'off school coming the week after and I aimed to finish two essays, one for contextual studies and one for FML, so everything was very busy.
However, I managed to collect samples of Fred Perry and ask for more to come, when we noticed a lack of necessary colours..
I also booked a studio, we had to move the date, due to a tight budget, and because the studio was the only option we could afford. So instead of shooting on 13th of February, we had to reschedule to February, 20.

February 12

We had a great and exciting workshop with Thomas that helped me a lot with InDesign and Unity. It started to really get interesting because before that I was still a bit lost.

February 19

By the time of the class, I already had 4 models confirmed. Despite the fact, 2 had to be changed last minute, the day after we had a shoot anyway and we had to be ready. I had a studio and 3 heavy bags of Fred Perry at home.
We gave a presentation on what we have so far.
Income of the session was really positive, as Thomas's idea to have a tune for each picture. and so when we'd hover over the particular colour, it'd produce sound from that tune but stripped down to one instrument.
I really thought it was a great idea and especially that Olya felt worried that we have Fred Perry, who are very specific in their brand identity and might dislike our original idea of the simple sound. We thought of something more rock, would fit the web-site.

Then we discussed it, and I suggested my help with sound, as my friend has a studio and records music professionally, so we are settled to go there on Monday.

After the class we went to my place and checked the clothes, we thought of how the garments can work together for our idea..Guys were kind enough to take two of the bags and bring the next day

February, 20
The morning started early. At 6 AM.
Despite the fact there was a long way, it's a studio in Custom House, DLR line, I was doing well and would have arrived on time.
I am a producer and it's important. And all the call-sheets would give my contact to all the agents of the models and everyone else.
The booked make up artist came on time, and Olya as well.. The models were late more or less.. But I had to stay at home to wait for emails of the agents, because they called me last minute saying some of the models couldn't come..
So we had to change them..
One model then texted me saying he'd wait for an off-peak time because it was very expensive for him. So I suggested paying his trip, if it'd make him come earlier.
In the end, by the time I arrived, everyone was in the studio except for our photographer, Coco.
She is very good and I was excited to see how she works. She told us she'd want it very neutral and clean, in everything. And all the team ended up working under her control, I had to apologise to the MUA, because she had to re-do it a lot of times, and then the photographer ended up rearranging everything. And styling me and Olya did, also had the same thing. However, she was polite and apologised saying that's the way she works and stuff like that.
To me, that was a great shoot, however, I had to give up at least 30% of my vision to satisfy the photographer. So I was quite flexible to save nerves.

But everyone was so supportive, our team was so nice, and hardworking. At this stage I am really glad about how it's come out.

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