Saturday 22 February 2014


Today the brand is far from what it was back in the 00's, and its' beginning, when the company faced a huge crisis. The need to rebrand Burberry brought the new team of great professionals, including Christopher Bailey and Angela Ahrendts (retired to go to Apple last year). But how the brand was changed significantly can be proved by the sources such as LCF library, that provided me with a DVD of a BBC documentary on a problem of Burberry vs chavs.


For a top luxury fashion company like Burberry it is the ultimate nightmare.
Their distinctive beige check, once associated with A-listers, has now become the uniform of a rather different social group: the so-called Chav.
With UK sales falling, Burberry cannot afford to become a laughing stock in their own backyard.
But just how does a top designer label shrug off a damaged image?
Only five years ago, Burberry was the darling of the fashion world after undergoing one of the most envied brand reinventions of recent years.
"It really tapped into a sense of the early years of the millennia," says Andrea Cockram of Verdict Research.
But all too quickly, the brand became a victim of its own success.
Label-conscious football hooligans started to adopt the distinctive check.
"It was associated with people who did bad stuff, who went wild on the terraces," says Peter York.
"Quite a lot of people thought that Burberry would be worn by the person who mugged them."

Welsh rap band, Goldie Lookin' Chain were given a Vauxhall Cavalier with a distinctive Burberry check paint job.
Nicknamed the "Chavalier", the car was being auctioned off on EBay until Burberry's lawyers got in touch demanding that the car be destroyed for infringing their copyright.
Burberry checked nails
Burberry is moving away from its traditional check

It was not only the car that was crushed, says band member Eggsy.
"I cried when they said you've got to destroy the car. What's next? Taking Rupert the Bear to court for having trousers that looked like Burberrys?"
There was more bad news earlier this year. Kate Moss, whose recent high-profile campaigns to promote the brand made her into the face of Burberry, is now facing tabloid allegations of drug-taking.
UK phenomenon
Burberry's Chief Executive Rose Marie Bravo is stepping down next year in favour of fellow American Angela Ahrendts, and the Chavs issue is likely to be near the top of her in-tray.
But there is reason for hope.
Most of Burberry's sales are overseas, so although sales in the UK have been sliding, international profits for last year reached over £160m.
Ms Ahrendts must be hoping that Chavs don't become a global phenomenon.

The Money Programme - Burberry versus The Chavs: broadcast on BBC TWO at 7pm on Friday 28 October.

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