Tuesday 22 October 2013


2nd of October
We got introduced to the assignment, and had a lecture, had been shown the difference the sound makes on the moving image on the example of Psycho.
The difference was huge, seems like the shower scene is much more violent without any sound, that to my opinion brings a viewer to a comfort zone of realisation of the fact it's a film.
Whereas the scene with no sound, makes it creepy and almost brings a feeling of you being a witness of a crime.

outcome  General idea of the importance of the sound and how it can change the edit and the result of a storytelling via film

3rd of October
Compared to last year's induction, this game we had to follow the sheet of paper with questions as in to pass a quest, turned out to be fun. But still a useful thing to know about the Lime Grove and what it can suggest.

After that, we were given some equipment to make some shooting, so me, Chirag and Poon went to shoot to D-block. ended up having a creepy film in a sculpture laboratory in D-block. I'm not a technical type of a person, but I did enjoy filming a bit and playing a role of a victim of a mental professor haha

getting to know the strengths and weaknesses of the team members of my trio that I'm gonna be working with to complete a short film for the end of October. Very pleasant people and we share some aesthetics so that was fun!

9th of October 

We had some semiotics told by Andy using his classic example of the JAWS beach scene

Really enjoyed the class, although we did have that last year thankfully, but it's always very engaging and interesting to check the classics and interrogate the scenes!

After that, we did see some works but the current MA students of our course that are MA Grads-to-be!
I've known David before, and Wendy as well. It was a lovely thing to see what we're expected to produce, see the level of those students as well!
And also, I discovered Philip Humm, who I'd not known before, he has his own approach, so it was very curious to see..

meeting new people
getting inspired
figuring out the expected level of technical skills

3) Then we were given the mics, and practised some filming and were explained the roles of the crew at the shooting process.
We really enjoyed trying (and failing) to record some cool sounds.
But I am more and more confident working editing sound (and I think video as well!) using Final Cut. Really excited about that programme and editing skills I might develop!

Learnt how to use mics/ see the difference of sounds and mics we'd use according to the actual effect we require
Practised Final Cut sound editing
Worked in team, got to know them better

16th of October

Nilgin gave us an amazing and interesting presentation, and showed how sounds affect the film again, which is really necessary to keep us inspired to develop our short film making process, as it's to be about sounds, as well.

Took some notes on films to watch. Really enjoyed it

The second part of the session 
It was about story boarding, we did story board the day before with Chirag and Poon and we found it funny and came up with solutions, I am really happy we can compromise without losing the ideas each of us has in mind!

We got split in teams, I was with Louise, and we had to listen to an audio file whilst making a very quick story board, then present, then compare to the original extract from the film, see how one can interpret the sound and what it can actual be recorded for.
We had "Birds"'s bird-attack scene.
It was easy working with Louise, once again, I find those sessions really interesting to get to know the team and collaborate but at the same time it's fun and it was really funny to see how your hearing and imagination can work building a story never been told, especially with those sounds in particular.

1) notes on films, plus got inspiration
2) show our work and got some tips from Nilgin and Andy on how to build our scenes
3)getting to collaborate
learn to compromise
psychologically build a comfort around myself to make it better to work with me

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